The Importance of Continuous Development in Digital Learning Careers


The world of Digital Learning is rapidly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is not just beneficial, it is crucial. As technology advances and there are changes in learning methodologies and trends, professionals in the Digital Learning Sector have to ensure that they stay up to date to maintain their skills & knowledge to ensure their courses are modern for the sake of their clients/employer, but also to ensure they have a competitive edge in the job market.

Adapting to the Latest Tech Trends

In the learning sector, technology plays a pivotal part in our day-to-day roles. The landscape of Learning & Development is unrecognisable compared to how it was 20 years ago. From the very early learning courses published on CD-ROMs to courses now housed on cloud-based LXPs and built to incorporate interactive elements like gamification and virtual and Augmented Reality (VR & AR). The world of learning has changed beyond belief, and technological advancements aren’t slowing pace!

Changes in Learning Methodologies and Approaches 

Historically, methods like “chalk and talk” have always been one of the main approaches to learning, but as we know now that is of course not always the most impactful method. Digital learning revolutionised learning methodologies and since its implementation, it has continued to evolve. Newer methodologies such as 5Di and a more human-centric approach become popularised and can replace the tried and true methods such as ADDIE, hence we find ourselves back at the heart of this blog, The Importance of Continuous Development!

How Can You Stay Current?

Luckily, the world of Digital Learning is built up of some truly amazing individuals, who pride themselves on ensuring they are up-to-date with trends and sharing that with their peers! As such, networking has to be one of the best tools in your arsenal! Attending webinars, L&D Meet-Ups, and industry events such as the Learning Technologies Exhibition & World of Learning are fantastic ways to meet like-minded professionals, swap new ideas and trends and share what is and isn’t working!

Looking outside of learning has to be where the majority of technology enhancements have come from. VR was first introduced to immerse viewers in Cinema, then widely adopted by the Video Game Industry now being one of the bigger tech trends in Digital Learning! Often our biggest technological advancements weren’t initially designed for L&D, so don’t be afraid to look outside of the learning sphere and see how it can be used to enhance learner experiences!

If your current organisation is a bit more old-fashioned in their approach, looking into professional qualifications is sometimes the best way to stay abreast of the latest trends and to show potential new employers or clients that you have the skills and knowledge to add significant value to their learning teams.


In the dynamic world of digital learning, it is not just a personal advantage, but a professional necessity to change, learn and focus on continuous development. By embracing change, new skills and technologies, and being a lifelong learner, you can position yourself as a leader in this ever-changing industry!

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